Welcome to the Westfield Place Home Owners Association website for Athens, Ohio. Here you’ll find pertinent information about our community, announcements for upcoming meetings and events, and relevant documents.
Please do not hesitate to contact any of the board members by:
- Email at hoa@westfieldplace.org
- Snail mail at 61 Berkeley Dr., Athens, OH 45701
- or in person
Our board currently meets quarterly. All home owners are welcome to listen-in and observe board meetings as well as provide suggestions, feedback, and make requests. We welcome your input. Please let us know prior to our meeting times so we can add your item to the agenda. The entire HOA community meets yearly each Fall to elect board members. The annual meeting is a great opportunity to learn about what’s happened over the past year, what’s in store for the upcoming year, and have your voice heard.
HOA dues are assessed annually on January 1 and are currently $350.00 per year.
- HOA Annual Fees of $350.00 are due by January 1, 2025. You should receive your invoice soon.
- Please remember to mark hoa@westfieldplace.org as safe to ensure our messages aren’t sent to your spam or junk mail.
- The next annual homeowner’s meeting is coming up on December 3. Please submit your updated contact information to receive an invite.